Welcome to the Marine Metagenomics workshop

Welcome to the Marine Metagenomics workshop

by Brane L. Leskošek -
Number of replies: 0

Dear participants,

welcome to the "Marine Metagenomics hands-on workshop". You have just received the automatic mail with credentials for the ELIXIR-SI e-Learning Platform (EeLP) and we enroled you to the Marine metagenomics e-course where you can find communication tools, learning materials, link to the Linux command line course (if you need some knowledge refresh in advance) as well as data on workshop venue and transportation.

In case you need any additional information about the workshop or EeLP, feel free to ask at elixir@mf.uni-lj.si and Erik Hjerde (erik.hjerde@uit.no).

Best regards,
The Workshop Team and
ELIXIR Slovenia Team