ELIXIR Norway course April 13.

ELIXIR Norway course April 13.

by Erik Hjerde -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all participants of the course on April 13th,

Participants on the two previous courses can ignore this

This is just a friendly reminder of the upcoming course “Using the Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Science and usegalaxy.no” organised by ELIXIR Norway.

The event is taking place online April 13 in this zoom: https://uit.zoom.us/j/64786643113?pwd=ZW02NnpXazJaekNLQnN1SGZrTFRZQT09

We will open the zoom for participants at 08.45 where we can assist you if you have any access issues. Please visit the course page for a detailed agenda.

We have registered that several of you have already logged on to the NeLS portal (https://nels.bioinfo.no/). If you haven’t done that yet, please do so we can add you to the course project with the exercise data.

If you don’t have a FEIDE user, or your institution is not connected to NeLS via FEIDE, you need to apply for a NeLS idp. You can do this in your web browser:

  1. Go to the NeLS portal (https://nels.bioinfo.no/)

  2. Select “Login with NeLS identity”

  3. Select “Apply for a NeLS account”

  4. You will receive login credentials when an account has been made for you

Finally, please make yourself familiar with the ELIXIR code of conduct

If you have any questions regarding the event or access issues, please contact us at contact@bioinfo.no

See you soon

Kindly regards,