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The course will take place at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø.
Teorifagbygget Hus 1, Floor 4, room 1433
Bus from the airport:
Airport (Langnes Lufthavn) - City center (Sentrum)
Airport (Langnes Lufthavn) - University (UIT/ISV) and University Hospital (UNN - Universitetssykehuset)
Bus to the airport:
City center (Sentrum) - Airport (Langnes Lufthavn)
University (UIT/ISV) and University Hospital (UNN - Universitetssykehuset) - Airport (Langnes Lufthavn)
University = "UiT/UNN"
City center = "Sentrum"
Monday Nov. 26, 18:00, Science Park - Siva innovasjonssenter
Group photos of course participants