Announcement for the Data Management workshop participants - access to ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform

Announcement for the Data Management workshop participants - access to ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform

by Marko Vidak - MF -
Number of replies: 0

Dear participants of the "ELIXIR Norway: Workshop in Data Management for Life Science projects",

ELIXIR-SI eLearning platform (EeLP) is a learning management system that will host the workshop page with the detailed agenda, learning materials and links.

For new EeLP users: you've recently received our invitation mails. Please follow this link to access the EeLP course page - you will be first redirected to the EeLP login page, where you'll have to use the usernames and passwords provided in our invitation mails.

For users with existing EeLP accounts: please go to the EeLP login page and log in with your existing usernames and passwords. In case you've forgotten them, you can reset your passwords by following this link . You can also find the "Forgotten your username or password?" link on the EeLP login page.

A detailed course agenda is already available on the EeLP course page. The page will change dynamically in the following days as new materials will be uploaded by the teachers. Please refresh your browser regularly during the course to see new EeLP changes.

Best regards,

the course organizers - ELIXIR Norway and ELIXIR Slovenia