Section outline

  • Below are the materials of the talks & demo that were presented at the ECCB18 Workshop “Implementation of Data Management Plans & Data Stewardship in practice” on Sept 11, 2018 in Athens.

    Collecting, curating, storing and exchange or sharing research data is a constant challenge that has become more difficult with the complete digitalisation of the modern research. Larger projects and organisations now bring into play data stewards who organise research data and support researchers in these efforts, with the ultimate goal of achieving proper data stewardship for their projects and their organisation.
    The FAIR principles help to assess the quality of one’s approach to data management and data handling. In this workshop, data management experiences from Luxembourg were discussed, and a tool (the Data Stewardship Wizard) that can assist both researchers and data stewards in the process of data stewardship planning, was presented. Furthermore, we touched upon ongoing activities related to skill building and training in Data Management & Stewardship.


    • Celia van Gelder (ELIXIR-Netherlands)
    • Mateusz Kuzak (ELIXIR-Netherlands)
    • Roland Krause (ELIXIR-Luxembourg)
    • Brane Leskošek (ELIXIR-Slovenia)
    • Marko Vidak (ELIXIR-Slovenia)

    Target audience

    Researchers and bioinformaticians supporting researchers in making Data Management Plans.